Welcome to Jokeoke!

Here, we gather all things humor. Its purpose, history, value, cause, effect, need, and emotional & physical release. To err is human, to notice, is humor. Humor needs us as much as we need humor. Humor evolves, as we do.

To reference humor in a society is to reference the zeitgeist of that society as Voltaire had referenced society by the level of its jails. As we notice our effect on each other and the world, humor is the glue of that interaction, the interstitial tissue of a people, a place, a time and as such, humor will continue to evolve and be relevant, if not more so tomorrow than today.

The salve of pain, the resolution of conflict, the fear of mortality, of being less, of status. Of all these things, humor is an inkling of our conscience, our humanity and hopefully a vehicle to heal and to love and to move on, Here, on Jokeoke.lol, we seek to codify humor, as iTunes may have codified music, at a time when its codification was absent but not its content. Here, at Jokeoke, we seek to codify by author, genre, topic, content, relevance, reference and category and to share that content with you, so you too can brighten yourself and the world. It's not easy to be funny but it's funny to see others try to be.

As Karaoke is to song, so too is Jokeoke to humor. You will amaze your friends and family of your attempts at wit, timing and delivery, or you won't, and they'll love you more in the process.

Here, on Jokeoke.lol, you'll be able to have a community of humor as one has communities of content on YouTube. You'll be able to post your versions of humor authored by you or, by others and you'll be able to see others do the same. The community will have one commonality - humor.

From content, to delivery, to sharing, to context and commentary, here on Jokeoke.lol, all things humor will reside, as a respite from the world without it. It will be accessible to all, will be free, and will allow us to grow together, as a people, more connected in joy and perspective than to sing a song without reference to who did the original version, who built on it and who does great covers of it.

Jokeoke.lol will be local, and regional, and national and international and global simultaneously! Each region will generate it's mark and contributions. Where would humor be if not for the differences between peoples (ethnic).

To expose that, is to show the universality of humanity and the reflection that humor is of that humanity. All humor is local, as Tip O'Neill said or, was that politics? LOL!

Let us not loose sight of the richness that our current times of global, civic and economic challenges provides for perspective that need insights to be shared with humor. Let us not loose sight of how impactful humor is as a skillful method to effect change - in thought, in actions and in our minds. Welcome to the one place for all that makes us human in such funny ways!

Welcome to Jokeoke.lol